Dollars aren't spending like they used to, so HoldMyTicket is here to help you make more of them. Get cash when you refer people with primary ticketing and event organizing needs to HoldMyTicket through our generous Affiliate Program.
For every sale made by your Referral during their first year, you'll score 10% of HoldMyTicket's fees. Once you accrue $20 in earnings, HoldMyTicket will send you your share to you each month.
There is no limit to the number of people or venues that you can refer to HoldMyTicket’s free services using a unique link sent through the Affiliate Program portal on our website. You do not have to be a current client of HoldMyTicket, or even an event organizer to refer people and organizations who need an event management platform or ticketing solution to us. Your referral possibilities are endless.
From concert halls and theaters to event promoters, festivals, and stadiums, anyone can join and benefit from our free tools and super user-friendly, intuitive ticketing and event management software. Enrolling in HoldMyTicket's Affiliate Program is incredibly easy and can be completed in just a minute.
Sign up now to start earning cash today by sharing your unique link with Referrals.